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La Leche League Meetings

La Leche League of KAUST Breastfeeding Support Group - monthly meetings 


If you are breastfeeding....
or wanting to breastfeed...
or pregnant and thinking to breastfeed....


Come chat at LLL-Meeting!


When: Meetings are usually every first Monday morning of the month

Where: at the Community Clubhouse. You can find the exact location here

 The goal of the meetings is to be a helpful place for YOU, so you can feel supported in your breastfeeding goals. 


We want to make sure you feel comfortable, get what you were looking to get out of the meeting, and feel welcome to return next month.

All interested women are invited including support women.

Nursing babies and toddlers are always welcome at meetings. 

At meetings, LLL leaders provide information and you may hear lots of different experiences from other mothers.  Please keep in mind there is no LLL way. You choose what suits you and your baby.  You know your baby and your family best, so take what is useful and leave the rest.Meetings are shared discussions. Please feel free to share your experiences. One of the best parts about LLL meetings is the opportunity to meet other mothers and hear their stories.We fully support meeting your babies’ needs as a priority during meetings. Feel free to keep your little one happy and attend to their needs. 



You can also help La Leche League by becoming a member. If you are interested, contact LLL leaders.








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