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Birth Courses


Group Class

When: Tuesday evening (not colliding with KH classes)
Time: 2-3 hrs, exact time will be announced
Price: 200Sr per pregnant lady. Birth Partner is for free



If you are interested please send me a whatsapp or email:

barbara.krattinger (at) or +41 76 438 8472​



Private Class

If you wish to have a private class don't hesitate to contact me so we can discuss a tailored course for your special wishes and needs



If you are interested please send me a whatsapp or email:

barbara.krattinger (at) or +41 76 438 8472​



As a HypnoBirthing Instructor certified under HypnoBirthing Europe (HBGE) I am happy to offer you the following courses:

HypnoBirthing Group Class



Jan/Feb  2025

 Wed Jan 08      6.30-10.00pm

 Wed Jan 15       6.30-9.30pm

 Wed Jan 22       6.30-9.30pm

 Wed Jan 29       6.30-9.30pm

 Wed Feb 05      6.30-9.30pm


Mrz/Apr  2025

and all following months: on request

Private  HypnoBirthing Classes


Would you prefer a private class with your partner maybe even at your own house? Are you too close to your due date for a scheduled class or do just the dates and times not suit you? Would you prefer a course in German?

Do not hesitate to contact me. I am happy to discuss dates and options according to your needs 



What does the HypnoBirthing class cost?

The 15hrs course is 2800 SAR / couple (pregnant woman + male or female birth partner)  or

1800 SAR for a mother without partner (min 2 person /course)


Private courses on request


What is included in the HypnoBirthing class?

  • 4-5 sessions of 3hrs depending on groupsize

  • official HypnoBirthing Book incl CD

  • 2 additional CD’s with relaxation music

  • over 60 paged Handout

  • drinks and snacks

  • 1 private visit after birth if desired

  • small classes: not more than 5 couples


To get most out of the course you should attend all sessions




Where are the classes held?

At Kaust either at my house in the gardens area or at the Community Club House room 107




Do you have any other questions?

Don't hesitate to contact me!






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